Co5: General functions and pre-control circuit
Fb Function WE Anl
Function block parameters / Range of values (default setting)
00 Flow sensor
secondary VFsek
ON All Co5 -> Fb00 = ON:
In systems Anl 6 and 9 not possible with Co5 -> Fb06 = ON
01 Return flow sensor
ON Not
6, 9
Co5 -> Fb01 = ON: Return flow limitation active,
Option steig Limitation acc. to gradient characteristic
4-pt Limitation acc. to 4-point characteristic
Note: Can only be changed after entering key number
02 Reserved OFF All
03 4-point
OFF 3, 5, 8,
Co5 -> Fb03 = ON: 4-point characteristic
Co5 -> Fb03 = OFF: Gradient characteristic
Setting applies for all heating circuits.
04 Delayed
outdoor tempera-
ture adaptation
OFF All Co4 -> Fb04 = ON: Option
Ab When outdoor temperature drops
AufAb When outdoor temperature drops or rises
Function block parameter:
Delay / 1 to 6 °C/h (3 °C/h)
05 Summer
time/winter time
ON All Co4 -> Fb05 = ON:
Automatic summer time/winter time changeover
06 Compensation of
time delays
OFF 1, 2,
4, 7,
Co5 -> Fb06 = ON: Only with Co5 -> Fb00 = ON
07 Condensate
OFF All Co5 -> Fb07 = ON: Only with Co5 -> Fb14 = ON
Function block parameter:
Maximum system deviation / 2 to 10 °C (2 °C)
08 Limitation of WMZ OFF Not
6, 9
Co5 -> Fb08 = ON:
Select limitation, depending on Co9 -> Fb21 to Fb23
---: No limitation
U: Flow rate limitation
P: Capacity limitation
U-P: Flow rate and capacity limitation
when “U“, “P“ or “U-P“ is selected:
CONST: Limitation constant
4-Pt: Limitation acc. to 4-point characteristic,
dependent on outdoor temperature
Note: Can only be changed after entering key number
EB 5179 EN 101