7.5 Condensate accumulation control
Activate the Condensate accumulation control function to start up condensate accumulation
plants, in particular to avoid problematic excess temperatures. The controller response to set
point deviations which cause the primary valve to open is attenuated. The controller response to
set point deviations which cause the control valve to close remains unaffected.
In systems Anl 6 and 9, the limitation applies to all control valves; in all other systems, it applies
to the control valve with the highest flow temperature set point.
In systems with DHW heating on the primary side (Anl 7 and 8), the Condensate accumulation
control function must configured separately under Co4.
WE Configuration
Condensate accumulation control OFF
2 °C
Co5 -> Fb07 = ON
Maximum system deviation / 2 to 10 °C
Condensate accumulation control
(Anl 7 and 8)
2 °C
Co4 -> Fb13 = ON
Maximum system deviation / 2 to 10 °C
The condensate accumulation control function can only be activated when no on/off control has
been configured, i.e. Co5 -> Fb14 = ON.
7.6 Compensating for time delays
The controller regulates the control circuit with the highest flow set point with the secondary flow
sensor. If the sensor is placed on the secondary side directly downstream of the heat exchanger
and the setting Co5 -> Fb06 = ON configured, any time delays due to changes in temperature
at a distant flow sensor do not occur anymore. This measure used with a condensate accumula
tion control means that the control can intervene before the control valve releases
unproportionally too much heat exchanger area.
WE Configuration
Flow sensor, secondary VFsek ON Co5 -> Fb00 = ON
Compensation of time delays OFF Co5 -> Fb06 = ON
EB 5179 EN 61
System-wide functions