In controllers with a firmware version lower than 1.05, the master controller receives the Subnet
1 address and node address 1 and is the decisive controller in LON network terms. It is the only
controller that can send alarms over a modem.
9.7 Sending outdoor temperatures and controller time
Two outdoor temperatures and the controller time can be sent over the LON bus which are taken
on by all the other controllers. Any controller in the system can send these data. Either all the
data can be sent by one controller or each piece of data can come from a separate controller.
The controller time and the outdoor temperature are transmitted every four minutes. The out
door temperature is additionally transmitted if it changes by 0.5 °C. All controllers delete the
values received over the bus ten minutes after the last update.
Sending the controller time
The controller time can be made available to all LON participants. They download the transmit-
ted time and adopt it. The controller time can be sent with the setting Co7 -> Fb02 = ON. This
functions should only be set in one LON participant, otherwise various controller times might be
sent. In the case that the controller time of the LON participant fails, the controller time continues
to run locally in all other participants.
WE Configuration
Controller time OFF Co7 -> Fb02 = ON
Sending outdoor temperatures
Two outdoor temperatures can be sent. By specifying the terminal number after activating the
corresponding function block, the sensor is defined whose measured temperature is passed on.
The transmitted temperatures are available to all LON participants.
WE Configuration
Outdoor temperature 1 OFF Co7 -> Fb03 = ON
Terminal number of outdoor sensor
Outdoor temperature 2 OFF Co7 -> Fb04 = ON
Terminal number of outdoor sensor
The outdoor temperature used by each LON participant is set on selecting the outdoor sensor
(select: FUEHL, 0–10, Lon-1, Lon-2).
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