erence temperature) measured directly at the point of measurement. Sensor calibration is to be
activated in Co6 via function block Fb23.
Proceed as follows:
Switch to configuration and parameter level.
Display shows:
Select Co6 level.
Open Co6 level. Display shows:
Select function block Fb23.
Confirm selection. Display shows:
0 0 0 0
Enter and confirm key number.
Fb23 blinks on the display.
Activate editing mode for function block.
Activate function block.
Start sensor calibration.
Select the function block for the sensor that you want to calibrate:
The function blocks Fb01 to Fb17 correspond to the inputs in the terminal wiring plan
(page 92 onwards) e.g. Fb02 = BE2
Activate editing mode for function block.
Fb_ blinks on the display.
Display measured value.
Activate editing mode for measured value.
Measured value blinks on the display.
Correct measured temperature. Read the actual temperature directly from the ther
mometer at the point of measurement and enter this value as the reference tempera
Confirm corrected measured temperature.
Additional sensors are calibrated similarly.
Exit configuration level.
Return to the operating level.
EB 5179 EN 25