CDRtcpport port
CDRtcpport portCDRtcpport port
CDRtcpport port
Function Set the TCP port for the TCP Link that will display the CDR output information.
It is already set as the Default(8200 port) value, and the user can use the CLI
command to change the setting.
Default [CDR] TCP Port 8200
Procedure At the SMG-3200 prompt, type 'CDRtcpport' and a space, and type the TCP port
for displaying the CDR information, and then press [Enter].
For example, if you want to set the TCP port for displaying the CDR information
as 8500, type 'CDRtcpport 8500' on the screen, and press [Enter], and then the
port will be set as follows:
SMG3200:> CDRtcpport 8500
>>>[CDR] Set CDR Output on TCP Port(8500)
Goodvalue = 0 = 0x0