Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
[2] Login ID Configuration
Function You can change the login name and password of CLI.
Login Name smg3200
Login Passwd smg3200v1
Procedure 1. In the <System Configuration Menu> screen, type ‘2’, and press [Enter].
2. To change the login name and password of CLI, type ‘y’, and press [Enter].
Change Login Name and Passwd? (y: Yes, n: No) ->
3. Input a new login name and press [Enter]. The new login name must be
different from the default or previous login names.
Enter New Login Name: smg3200 ->
4. Input a new password.
Enter New Passwd: smg3200v1 ->
5. A message asking whether to restart the system will be displayed as follows.
To restart immediately, type ‘y’ or type ‘n’ otherwise and press [Enter].
# System Configuration has changed. Restart? (y: Now, n: Later) ->