Chapter 5
CLI (Command Line Interface)
load "filename"
load "filename"load "filename"
load "filename"
Function It creates a file on the console screen, and allows users to enter desired characters.
It is used to read the system information file from the console and save it in a file.
Procedure 1. At the SMG-3200 prompt, type 'load' and a space, and type the name of the file
for entering characters, and press [Enter]. Then, the prompt on the next line will
blink. The file name must be in quotation marks (" ").
For example, if you want to display a file named digit.txt, type 'load "digit.txt"'
at the prompt on the screen, and press [Enter]. If a file named 'digit.txt' already
exists, it is overwritten, and if not, a new file is created.
2. Enter the desired character string. If you want to finish entering the character
string, type a 'period(.),' and press [Enter].
3. Corresponding files are saved in the system.