the subscriber at the receiving end lifts the phone (in the Off-Hook status), the call begins. The
call is ended when either subscriber replaces the phone (in the On-Hook status).
Digital Signal ProcessorDigital Signal Processor ((DSPDSP))
A special computer chip designed to handle digital signals, which are fast and complex. It is
widely used for real-time processing of voice and image.
Dual Tone Multi FrequencyDual Tone Multi Frequency ((DTMFDTMF) )
An in-band signaling system that uses two simultaneous voice-band tones for dialing.
Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDynamic Host Configuration Protocol ((DHCPDHCP))
Provides a mechanism for allocating IP Addresses dynamically so that addresses can be reused
when hosts no longer need them.
The international numbering system for remote communication using telephone.
EE&M &M ((Ear & MouthEar & Mouth)) Signaling Signaling
A method of sending and monitoring signals between signaling equipment independent of trunk
devices. E (Ear) receives open or earth signals from signaling equipment. M (Mouth) sends earth
signals or voltage status. It monitors a PBX’s status depending on the changes in voltage of E and
M. It also connects or disconnects connections.
Echo Cancellation Echo Cancellation
A process of removing echo from lines. Echo normally is created due to difference in impedance
in wires of a telephone network. Echo Cancellers store a voice sample it sends, and extracts the
voice from the returned voice in the reverse direction.
Fast Start Fast Start
Fast Start is one of the H.323 signal methods. It exchanges all information through a connection at
the connection stage, and the media connection is made without connecting to H.245. As it is
faster and simpler than Slow Start, it is now more widely used.