
Pressing [AUTO SCALE] when a chart graph is
the active display will automatically set the vertical
range and center value to display the entire range
of the data. [AUTOSCALE] does not affect the hor-
izontal scaling. [AUTOSCALE] only operates on
the data which is presently displayed on the graph.
Data which has scrolled past the left edge of the
graph does not affect the scaling.
[AUTOSCALE] may be pressed at any time during
or after data acquisition.
[AUTOSCALE] does not affect a polar graph.
[PRINT] will print the screen display to a printer
attached to the rear panel parallel printer port. The
entire screen, including text and menus, is printed.
The time and date will also be printed. The printer
type needs to be configured in the SYSTEM
SETUP menu before using [PRINT]. A "Printing in
Progress" message will appear on the screen
while printing occurs. No other front panel opera-
tions may be performed until printing is completed.
If no printer is attached or there is a printer error,
then the print operation is aborted after about 10
seconds. A "Print Aborted!" message will appear
briefly on the screen.
Pressing the backspace [] key will abort the
If File is chosen as the printer type (in the
SYSTEM SETUP menu), then [PRINT] will save
the screen image as a PCX format file on the disk.
Files are automatically named SCRNXXXX.PCX
where XXXX is a file number. PCX files can be
imported directly into many PC draw and paint pro-
grams and easily incorporated into word process-
ing documents.
[HELP] provides on screen help with any key or
soft key. Pressing [HELP] followed by any key will
display information about the function or use of
that key. [HELP] with a soft key will describe the
menu item next to the soft key. Pressing another
key will exit the help screen.
The [PRINT] key is the one key for which no help
is available. Pressing [PRINT] at any time will print
the screen, including the help screens.
When a host computer places the unit in the
REMOTE state, no keypad input or knob adjust-
ment is allowed. The REM indicator is on in the
status bar at the bottom of the screen. To return to
front panel operation, press the [HELP] key.