Remote Programming
SENS (?) {i} The SENS command sets or queries the sensitivity. The parameter i
selects a sensitivity below.
i sensitivity i sensitivity
0 2 nV/fA 13 50 µV/pA
1 5 nV/fA 14 100 µV/pA
2 10 nV/fA 15 200 µV/pA
3 20 nV/fA 16 500 µV/pA
4 50 nV/fA 17 1 mV/nA
5 100 nV/fA 18 2 mV/nA
6 200 nV/fA 19 5 mV/nA
7 500 nV/fA 20 10 mV/nA
8 1 µV/pA 21 20 mV/nA
9 2 µV/pA 22 50 mV/nA
10 5 µV/pA 23 100 mV/nA
11 10 µV/pA 24 200 mV/nA
12 20 µV/pA 25 500 mV/nA
26 1 V/µA
RMOD (?) {i} The RMOD command sets or queries the reserve mode. The parameter i
selects Max (i=0), Manual (i=1) or Min (i=2).
RSRV (?) {i} The RSRV command sets or queries the dynamic reserve. The RSRV i
command sets the manual reserve to the ith available reserve (0≤i≤5).
RSRV 0 selects the minimum reserve for the present sensitivity and time
constant. RSRV 1 selects the next highest reserve and so on. The
reserve increases by 10 dB for each successive value of i. If the RSRVi
command requests a reserve greater than the max available at the
present sensitivity, the max reserve will be used. RSRV5 always sets the
reserve to the max. The reserve can be set only if Manual reserve mode
is selected.The RSRV? query returns the reserve index i (0≤i≤5).
See the Reserve section in the Gain and Time Constant menu section for
a listing of the available reserves.
OFLT (?) {i} The OFLT command sets or queries the time constant. The parameter i
selects a time constant below.
i time constant i time constant
0 10 µs 10 1 s
1 30 µs 11 3 s
2 100 µs 12 10 s
3 300 µs 13 30 s
4 1 ms 14 100 s
5 3 ms 15 300 s
6 10 ms 16 1 ks
7 30 ms 17 3 ks
8 100 ms 18 10 ks
9 300 ms 19 30 ks