Remote Programming
OUTX (?) {i} The OUTX command sets the output interface to RS232 (i=0) or GPIB
(i=1). The OUTX i command should be sent before any query com-
mands to direct the responses to the interface in use.
OVRM (?) {i} The OVRM command sets or queries the GPIB Overide Remote Yes/No
condition. The parameter i selects No (i=0) or Yes (i=1).
KCLK (?) {i} The KCLK command sets or queries the key click On (i=1) or Off (i=0)
ALRM (?) {i} The ALRM command sets or queries the alarm On (i=1) or Off (i=0)
THRS (?) {i} The THRS command sets or queries the hours setting of the clock. The
value of i is in the range 0 ≤ i ≤23.
TMIN (?) {i} The TMIN command sets or queries the minutes setting of the clock. The
value of i is in the range 0 ≤ i ≤59.
TSEC (?) {i} The TSEC command sets or queries the seconds setting of the clock.
The value of i is in the range 0 ≤ i ≤59.
DMTH (?) {i} The DMTH command sets or queries the months setting of the calendar.
The value of i is in the range 1 ≤ i ≤12.
DDAY (?) {i} The DDAY command sets or queries the days setting of the calendar.
The value of i is in the range 1 ≤ i ≤31.
DYRS (?) {i} The DYRS command sets or queries the years setting of the calendar.
The value of i is in the range 0 ≤ i ≤99.
PLTM (?) {i} The PLTM command sets or queries the plotter mode. If i=0 plotting is
directed to the RS232 interface, if i=1 plotting is to the GPIB interface.
PLTB (?) {i} The PLTB command sets or queries the RS232 plotter baud rate. The
parameter i ranges from 0 to 4 and selects baud rates of 300 (0),1200
(1), 2400 (2), 4800 (3), and 9600 (4). This baud rate should match the
baud rate of the plotter in use.
PLTA (?) {i} The PLTA command sets or queries the GPIB plotter address. The
parameter i ranges from 0 to 30 and should agree with the address of the
plotter in use.
PLTS (?) {i} The PLTS command sets or queries the plot speed. If i=0 fast plot speed
is used, if i=1 slow plot speed is used.
PNTR (?) {i} The PNTR command sets or queries the trace pen number. The pen
number is in the range of 1 to 6.