Display and Scale Menu
Full, Top or Bottom Display Pressing this key selects which display's type, trace and scaling will be
adjusted and displayed in this menu box. If the format is full screen, the
top and bottom displays can not be selected. If the format is dual display,
then only top or bottom can be selected.
Type and Trace Pressing this key highlights the boxed parameter (either Type or Trace).
The highlighted parameter may be changed using the knob. Pressing the
key again highlights the other parameter (either Type or Trace). In the
illustration above, the Trace parameter is boxed and is set to 1. Pressing
this key will highlight the trace number and allow the knob to change it.
Pressing this key again will highlight the type, Chart in this case.
The display type may be set to Polar, Bar, Chart or Blank.
The blank display clears the display area of the screen.
The polar graph has no trace or scale information since it always dis-
plays X and Y and the graph is scaled to the sensitivity. If the display is
polar, the trace and scale may not be selected or changed.
The bar graph has trace and range and center parameters displayed.
The bar graph has no horizontal (time) scale.
The chart graph has trace, range and center as well as horizontal scale
The trace parameter selects which data trace will be displayed in the
selected display. Only data traces may be displayed. Only bar and
chart displays have a selectable trace. The trace number and definition is
shown in the screen display.
Range and Center Bar graph and chart vertical scales are represented as a center value
plus and minus a range. The range is the upper (±) parameter, the center
is the lower (@). Pressing this key highlights the boxed parameter (either
range or center). The highlighted parameter may be changed with the
knob or entered numerically. Pressing the key again highlights the other
parameter (either range or center). In the illustration above, the range is
boxed and set to 1.000 V and the center value is zero.
Both the center and range may be changed for a bar graph. This allows
the bar graph to expand a portion of the full scale range around a nomi-
nal value. The bar is always drawn from the center (nominal) value.
Pressing [AUTO SCALE] while a bar graph is the active display will set
the center to zero and adjust the range so that the bar is at least 40% of
the new range.
The vertical chart scale places the center value at the vertical midpoint of
the graph. The top of the graph is the center plus the range and the
bottom is the center minus the range. Pressing [AUTO SCALE] while a
chart graph is the active display will change both the center and range to
display all of the data within the graph. Data which has scrolled off the
graph edge is not taken into account when auto scaling.