
Pin Mnemonic Signal Name Description
10 ACK_L Acknowledge
Driven low by the peripheral
device to acknowledge data byte
transfer from host during forward
channel transfer. Qualifies data
being transferred to host in reverse
channel transfer.
11 BUSY Busy Driven high to indicate the
peripheral device is not ready to
receive data during forward
channel transfer. Used to send
Data3 and Data7 during reverse
channel transfer.
12 PERROR Parity Error Driven high by peripheral device to
indicate an error in the paper path
during forward channel transfer.
Used to send Data2 and Data6
during reverse channel transfer.
13 SELECT_L Select Low Indicates the peripheral device is
on-line during forward channel
transfer. Used to send Data1 and
Data5 during reverse channel
14 AFXN_L Auto Feed Low Set low by the host to drive the
peripheral into auto-line feed mode
during forward channel transfer.
During reverse channel transfer, set
low to indicate host can receive
peripheral device data and then set
high to acknowledge receipt of
peripheral data.
15 ERROR_L Error Low Set low by the peripheral device to
indicate an error during forward
channel transfer. In reverse channel
transfer, set low to indicate
peripheral device has data ready to
send to the host. Used to send
Data0 and Data4.
16 INIT_L Initialize Low Driven low by the host to reset
Connector Signal Descriptions 241