2.2.2 What to Do
Caution - Never move the system when system power is on. Movement can cause
catastrophic disk drive failure. Always power off the system before moving it.
Caution - Before you power on the system, make sure that the cover is properly
1. Turn on power to any peripherals and external storage devices.
Read the documentation supplied with the device for specific instructions.
2. Turn on power to the monitor or terminal.
A terminal or monitor is required for viewing system messages. For setup
instructions, see Section 2.11 “How to Attach an Alphanumeric Terminal” on
page 74 or Section 2.12 “How to Configure a Local Graphics Console” on page 75.
3. Turn the front panel keyswitch to the Power-On/Off position.
See Section 2.9.1 “Keyswitch Settings” on page 72 for information about each
keyswitch setting.
4. Press the front panel Power button once.
See Section 2.9.1 “Keyswitch Settings” on page 72 for information about each
keyswitch setting.
Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual ♦ January 2000, Revision A