When performing any service procedure, place static-sensitive parts, such as
boards, cards, and disk drives, on an antistatic surface. The following items can
be used as an antistatic surface:
The bag used to wrap a Sun
replacement part
The shipping container used to package a Sun replacement part
Sun electrostatic discharge (ESD) mat, part number 250-1088 (available through
your Sun sales representatives)
Disposable ESD mat, shipped with replacement parts or options
3. Use an antistatic wrist strap.
Attach the appropriate end to the system chassis sheet metal and attach the other
end of the strap to your wrist. Refer to the instructions that come with the strap.
4. Detach both ends of the strap after you have completed the installation or
service procedure.
Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual ♦ January 2000, Revision A