3.1 How to Remove a Memory Module
Memory modules for this system are dual inline memory modules (DIMMs). Each
DIMM bank must contain four DIMMs of equal density (for example, four 64-Mbyte
DIMMs) to function properly. Supported DIMM configuration options are 32, 64, and
128 megabytes. See the Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide for more
3.1.1 Before You Begin
Complete these tasks:
Section 2.1 “How to Power Off the System” on page 54
Section 2.4 “How to Position the System for Service” on page 60
Section 2.6 “How to Remove the System Cover” on page 65
Section 2.8 “How to Avoid Electrostatic Discharge” on page 69
Caution - DIMMs are made of electronic components that are extremely sensitive to
static electricity. Static electricity from your clothes or work environment can destroy
the DIMM. Always wear a grounding strap when you handle the modules.
Caution - Do not remove any DIMM from its antistatic packaging until you are ready
to install it. Handle the modules only by their edges. Do not touch the components
or any metal parts. Always wear a grounding strap when you handle the modules.
3.1.2 What to Do
1. Locate the memory module(s) to be removed.
2. Push the ejection lever away from the memory module and eject it from the
3. Grasp the top corners of the memory module and pull it upward and out of its
Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual ♦ January 2000, Revision A