128 Administrator Guide • 2005Q4
To clear the listing of successfully completed jobs, click Clean completed. Only
pending jobs and failed jobs remain in the list. Pending job status changes when the
job successfully completes or fails. Clear the jobs listings regularly to reduce
memory usage and to make it easier to review the most recent jobs.
Clicking OK leaves the job listings as is and displays the list of submitted contents.
You can refresh the browser to see the updated status for a pending job when
viewing the Background jobs listing page or the Background job detail page.
You can set the job listings page to refresh every 1 to 99 seconds by selecting the
Refresh button and entering the number of seconds at which the listing page is to be
refreshed. Click the Refresh now button to immediately refresh the page.
Use the forward and back arrows or specify a page in the Background Jobs listing to
examine jobs when the list is extensive.
Examining Job Details
To examine the details of a specific job, click on the Job Id or the Job Name.
Information for the job includes the information shown in the jobs listing page. Any
additional information relevant to the specific of job is given under the Detailed
Information section at the bottom of the page. Examples of additional information
■ Number of content items affected by the job
■ Names of the vending servers that failed during the job