
34 Administrator Guide 2005Q4
5. Select a DRM.
Administrators must know which DRMs are applicable for specific content types.
Appendix B for a table of DRMs and associated pricing models. If an
inapplicable DRM is assigned, submission of content with that DRM fails.
For instance, if you erroneously assign CDS DRM Agent to the image content type
and a content provider attempts to submit a content item of type image, the content
provider receives an error message that the submission failed.
See “Content Protection” on page 20 for a discussion of DRMs.
6. Select the pricing models you want available for the content type.
All the pricing models appropriate for the selected DRM are available for selection.
See Appendix B for a table of DRMs and associated pricing models to be sure you
are selecting an appropriate pricing model for the DRM selected.
7. Click Done when finished.
8. Click OK to close the confirmation page.
Editing a Content Type
1. From the Catalog Manager administration console, click Content on the main
menu bar.
2. Click the MIME Types tab.
The MIME Types page is displayed.
3. Click the content type that you want to edit.
The Content Type Preferences page is displayed.
Make the necessary changes to the content type and description:
Content Type - The name of the content type that you are adding.
Description - A brief description of the content type.
Preview - The preview options for this content type.
DRM Preference - The DRM associated with this content type. Changing the
DRM changes the pricing models that can be applied to content.
Only newly published content items have the new DRM and any new pricing
options. Existing content items still have the previously assigned DRM and
pricing option and are still available to subscribers.
Pricing Models - The pricing models available for this content type.
If you unselect a pricing model, existing content retains their pricing options. For
unpublished content items that used that pricing model, you must choose another
pricing model when editing that content item.