Chapter 1 Introduction 5
Automated Content Validation
The Sun Java System Content Delivery Server performs an automated validation of
content. If an application fails at any stage of validation, it is not submitted to the
Catalog Manager.
Note – The default implementation of content validation performs automated
validation on MIDlets only. You can customize the validation process to validate
other types of content.
Content validation includes the following tasks:
■ API Filtering. The API Filter checks that the APIs used in the MIDlet application
are allowed. Developer Plans define the set of APIs allowed. When a developer
submits content, the API Filter checks the APIs used by the submitted application.
If any API is not allowed by the Developer Plans associated with the developer,
the content fails.
■ Instrumentation. The instrumentation process inserts code into the MIDlet
application to interpret the pricing model assigned. For example, the inserted
code interprets whether the application is priced per download, on first
download only, by subscription, or any combination of these.
The instrumented code maintains licensing information on the device and
periodically communicates with the Sun Java System Content Delivery Server to
verify that the subscriber is authorized to run the application. If a license has
expired, the subscriber is given the opportunity to renew the license.
■ Customized Steps. You can customize the validation process to meet the needs of
your organization. You can disable selected processes or add processes as needed.
For example, you might want to add a step to obfuscate an application.
Obfuscation makes the code difficult to understand when it is decompiled and
can reduce the size of the Java Archive (JAR) file.
Content Management
Once content passes the automated validation process, it goes to the submitted
content section for review by the Catalog Manager administrator. This section
describes the content and categories managed by the Catalog Manager: