Chapter 2 Catalog Manager 27
The former usage pricing model of X downloads in Y days is no longer available by
default. That pricing model is now used, optionally, as a grace period. A grace
period, if configured at deployment, can be attributed to the Every Download
pricing model (see
TABLE 2-10). Upon purchase, a grace period allows additional
numbers of downloads or extends the download period. The system administrator
can set the properties pricing.model.recurringDownload.numberOfDays and
pricing.model.recurringDownload.numberOfTimes to enable a grace period.
See the Sun Java System Content Delivery Server Installation Guide for information on
setting a grace period.
Each DRM supports some set of the pricing models available in the Content Delivery
Server. The pricing models that you can assign to a content type are dependent on
the DRM that is associated with the content type.
TABLE 2-6 Content Delivery Server Pricing Models
Pricing Model Definition
Free always No charge for downloading content. Content can be downloaded
any number of times for however long content is available.
Trial No charge for content on initial download. Subscriber must
purchase content for subsequent downloads.
First download only Subscriber is charged for initial download of content. Subscriber
is not charged for subsequent downloads.
Every download
Subscriber is charged for each download of content.
Per use Subscriber can download content once after purchase and is
charged for N uses.
Per period Subscriber can download content once after purchase and is
charged for running content for the specified length of time, for
example, 3 days, 2 weeks, or 1 month.
Charge for N days, weeks, months, or years.
Per subscription Subscriber can download content an unlimited number of times
during the subscription period and is automatically charged for
the next period of use when the current period expires.
Charge recurring fee daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Per interval Subscriber can download content an unlimited number of times
during the interval and is charged for running content from the
specified start date to the specified end date.
Charge for use starting mm/dd/yyyy through mm/dd/yyyy.
a A grace period can be applied for this pricing model by the Vending Manager administrator.