
80 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide October 2001
cfgadm Plug-in Library Packages
1. Install cfgadm plug-in library packages SUNWcfpl and SUNWcfplx.
Software Installation
1. Follow Step 6 through Step 16 on page 72 and page 74 of Chapter 6.
SAN Management Software
If this system is being used as a SAN Management host, follow the steps in this
section. If the system is not being used as a SAN Management host, go to “Switch
Firmware” on page 83.
# pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWcfpl
# pkgadd -d pkg-location
SUNWcfplx pkgadd -d pkg-location SUNWcfplx