
Appendix B Error Messages 147
Faceplate Display Error Messages
TABLE B-3 Faceplate Display Messages
Error Message Corrective Action
Fabric ID must be < 16 and chassis ID must be <
64. Both must be >= 0. Correct these values and
APPLY again.
Correct values and apply again. (NOTE: The Fabric ID is
fixed; only the chassis ID needs to be verified.)
Chassis ID cannot conflict with an existing chassis
in the Fabric. Correct these values and APPLY
Choose a chassis ID which is not already assigned to the
other switch in the Fabric and apply again.
Not a valid Flash file for this switch! Download
Verify that the flash file exists and has read permission,
that the file is not corrupted, and that it is the correct type
of flash (8 or 16 port) for this switch, then retry. (NOTE:
only 8-port flash can be loaded onto an 8-port switch, and
16-port flash onto a 16-port switch.)
Error opening destination file for writing.
Operation cancelled!
Verify permissions on file and retry.
You cannot reset the switch while a flash load is
in progress.
Wait for flash load to complete and retry.
An error has occurred while changing switch
configuration parameters. Please verify your
The switch responds that it is not in the correct state to
apply the configuration changes (cf. SANbox-8 Fibre
Channel Switch Installer's/User's Manual). Place the
switch into the correct state, then retry.
An error was received while changing the port
configurations. Please verify your configuration.
The switch responds that it is not in the correct state to
apply the configuration changes (cf. SANbox-8 Fibre
Channel Switch Installer's/User's Manual). Place the
switch into the correct state, then retry.
Switch is not responding to requests. Verify
network connection and hit REFRESH.
Verify network connection
to Fabric and Fibre Channel
links to switch, then retry.
The switch has stopped responding or has
returned a check condition. Check your network
connection to the switch. Retry the flash
Verify network connection
to Fabric and retry.
You cannot transition an existing T-Port to an SL
or TL Port.
Verify this is the correct action, then set ports offline,
apply changes, and set ports online again.
Network configuration is only available to
switches with active Ethernet connections.
Network configuration changes can only be applied to the
switch with the network connection, not to the cascaded
switch in the Fabric.