
Chapter 6 Installing a New SAN 69
Downloading Patches and Packages
You can download the required software components from the following web sites
listed in
TABLE 6-1.
Note You can also get all the patches and packages for your configuration from
the SunSolve web site. If you use PatchPro to generate a patch list, a README.txt
file with the installation order is included. Follow the installation order defined in
TABLE 6-2. For instructions about how to get patches using PatchPro, refer to “To
Download Patches Using PatchPro Interactive” on page 39.
Verifying Successful Patch Downloads
Refer to TABLE 3-1 “Minimum Software Component Versions and Patches” for the list
of required software versions, packages, and patches.
To Verify Successful Patch Downloads
1. Use one of the following three utilities to obtain the checksum value of the patch
you downloaded:
CODE EXAMPLE 6-1 Solaris /usr/5bin/sum Utility
TABLE 6-1 Software Download Sites
Software Downloading Web Site
packages and
patches http://sunsolve.sun.com
% /usr/5bin/sum 108982-09.zip
2010 880 108982-09.zip
% /usr/5bin/sum -r 108982-09.zip
63160 880 108982-09.zip