
140 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide October 2001
path and that the path is not available for a failover operation. Both paths of a dual
connected Sun StorEdge A5200 array are ONLINE. Only one path of a Sun StorEdge
T3 array is ONLINE; the other path is STANDBY.
Check that the cfgadm listing to verify Ap_Ids, representing Fabric-connected
Sun StorEdge T3 Array paths, are configured and in the normal condition.
Check /var/adm/messages or Network Storage Agent for any related errors
Check the SANsurfer GUI for error counters.
If the problem persists, contact your Sun Service representative.
Problems and Corrective Measures—Error
ONLINE/OFFLINE messages appear in /var/adm/messages or on the console.
Corrective Measures
Check the SANsurfer GUI port details for increasing error counters.
Run Stortools to test HBA status (qlctest).
Check Network Storage Agent for messages or events.
If the problem persists, contact your Sun Service representative.
Problems and Corrective Measures—Switch
You cannot connect to a switch with the SANsurfer GUI.
Corrective Measures
Verify that the switch is powered on and has an Ethernet cable connected to it.
Make sure the switch is not in Force Prom Mode.