88 Sun Blade X6270 Server Module Installation Guide • December 2009
training options, 85
OpenSolaris preinstalled OS
configuring non-default RAID configuration, 80
configuring the preinstalled OS, 69
default RAID configuration, 80
drive installed on, 80
mirroring, 82
mirroring with LSI RAID, 82
on-screen prompts, 76
prerequisites, 70
operating systems
OpenSolaris preinstalled OS
configuring, 69
Solaris preinstalled OS
configuring, 53
overview figure, 8
POST messages, 76
powering off, 40
powering on standby power, 38
Power button
using stylus to press, 76
product updates, ix
RAID, 61
configuring, 80
configuring non-default configuration, 80
drive options, 81
mirroring preinstalled Solaris with LSI RAID, 63
mirroring preinstalled Solaris with Sun
StorageTek REM Card, 64
mirroring the OpenSolaris preinstalled OS, 82
mirroring the preinstalled OpenSolaris OS with
mirroring the preinstalled OpenSolaris OS with
Sun StorageTek HBA, 83
OpenSolaris drive options, 62
OpenSolaris overview, 61
upgrading to a mirrored solution, 80
RAID configuration
accessing HBA card BIOS, 80
RAID Expansion Module (REM), 61
board replacement, 23
replaceable component locations, 8
replacement procedures
Fabric Expansion Module (FEM) board
replacement, 27
RAID Expansion Module (REM) board
replacement, 23
serial console mode
start command, 75
serial port connector, 43
server main power
turning on, 76
server module
about shipment, 1
connecting through the SP IP address, 58
front panel, 37
inserting, 35
optional server components, 2
physical specifications, 3
redirecting console to video, 60
service processor
default communication properties, 75
shutting down power, 40
Solaris 10 Operating System
configuring, 53
downloading, 67
prerequisites, 54
Solaris preinstalled OS
configuring, 53
mirroring with Sun StorageTek HBA, 83
standby power, verifying, 38
storage drive replacement, 29
Sun StorageTek HBA card, 80, 83
Sun StorageTek REM card, 61, 64
USB device connection, 43
video port redirection, 60, 77, 78