Phaser 340 Color Printer
Printing and installation problems (cont’d.)
Symptom Solution
The image does not
finish printing (the printer
times out).
■ PC users: If you are using the serial or parallel port,
use the MODE command to set the PC’s
communication parameters. For example:
MODE LPT1:,,P (for parallel port LPT1)
MODE COM1:9600,N,8,1,P (for serial port COM1)
■ Windows users: Double-click on the Control Panel.
Double-click the Printers icon. Choose your Tektronix
printer. Click the Connect button. Change the
Transmission Retry to 850.
■ Parallel port printing: If you get a timeout from the
Connect dialog box, change the Ports selection from
LPTX to LPTX.DOS. (Some Windows installations
may say LPTX.OS2; X is either 1 or 2.)
The area of paper that
the printer prints on is
smaller than the media
See “Margins and image area” on page 3-23 for more
details. To maximize the image area, you may have to
adjust the margins in your application software.
A Macintosh printed
image has shifted or the
margins are not correct.
■ You should install the LaserWriter 8.X printer driver and
Phaser 340 PPDs onto your Macintosh to select the
correct page sizes from the driver.
■ Turn off Background Printing through the Chooser.
■ Refer to the topic “Printing from a Macintosh” on
page 3-5 for details on how to print from a Macintosh.
■ Refer to the
Phaser 340 Drivers and Utilities Printing
for details on the Phaser 340 driver.