Phaser 340 Color Printer
Printing transparencies
Tektronix transparency media is recommended for use in this printer, as it
provides optimal image quality and reliable printer operation. Tektronix
premium transparency media provides enhanced ink adhesion and print
quality. Load transparency media in the appropriate Letter- or A4-size
paper tray. For best results, Tektronix recommends that you order the
optional transparency tray. (Refer to Chapter 5 for ordering information.)
A label inside the transparency tray indicates the tray’s maximum
transparency capacity.
Do not use transparency media intended for ink-jet or thermal-wax
printers. For best results, use Tektronix transparency media.
Tektronix premium transparencies must be loaded face up in the media tray
with the notched corner of the sheet in the back-right corner of the tray.
Tektronix standard transparency media is not notched and can be loaded
into the tray in any orientation.