
Phaser 340 Color Printer
Resident typefaces (PCL5)
For PCL5 (Printer Command Language) printing (HP Laserjet III emulation),
the printer supports Courier, Times, and Universe typefaces in medium,
bold, italic medium, and italic bold.
Printing of PCL5 files is supported as a separately enabled option. You can
determine if the PCL5 language is enabled for your printer by checking the
printer’s configuration page. Refer to “Help Pages Overview” on page 2-29
for instructions on printing the configuration page. Refer to the Phaser 340
Drivers and Utilities Printing Reference for details on enabling the PCL
printing option.)
Downloading Macintosh and TrueType fonts
The fonts resident in the printer are stored in the printer as outlines and are
always available for printing. The PostScript interpreter in the printer can
also accept and store additional fonts known as downloadable fonts. If you
want to print PostScript outline fonts that are not built into the printer, you
can transfer or download outline fonts from your computer to the printer.
Downloading fonts saves print time if you plan to print several documents
or a large document using those fonts.
When you download a font, it is stored in the printer’s memory or on a SCSI
hard disk attached to the printer. Refer to “Adding a hard disk for font
storage” on page B-8 for more information on external font storage. You can
download as many outline fonts as the printer’s memory or hard disk allow.
Adding more memory expands the number of fonts that can be downloaded
to the printer.
The printer accepts Type 1 and Type 3 downloadable fonts including those
from Adobe, Agfa, Bitstream, Microsoft, Apple, and many others.
The printer also accepts TrueType downloadable fonts which can be scaled
to any point size. TrueType fonts look the same on the screen as they do
when printed.
You download a font from a PC or Macintosh the same way you download
fonts to any PostScript printer. Follow the documentation that was shipped
with your fonts.