
Regulatory Information
User Manual
MSDS for silicone oil
Section I — Product identification
Trade name and Tektronix part number:
Silicone fluid (found in maintenance tray) 006-7912-00
Product use: Used in Tektronix Phaser 340 color printers.
Section II — Information on ingredients
Polydimethylsiloxane CAS Number: 63148-62-9
Hazardous Ingredients: None. This is not a hazardous material as defined
by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
Section III — Hazards identification
Potential health effects:
Eyes: Direct contact may cause temporary discomfort with mild redness
and dryness similar to windburn.
Skin: A single prolonged exposure (24 to 48 hours) causes no known
adverse effect.
Inhalation: Not an irritant to respiratory passages.
Ingestion: Swallowing large amounts could cause discomfort.
Section IV — First aid measures
Eyes: Flush immediately with water.
Skin: Wipe off and wash with soap and water.
Inhalation: Not a likely route of exposure.
Ingestion: No first aid should be needed.