Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Table D–1: Factory Initialization Defaults (Cont.)
Control Changed by Factory Init to
Horizontal – main time/division 500 ms
Horizontal – main trigger position 50%
Horizontal – position 50%
Horizontal – record length 500 points (10 divs)
Horizontal – time base Main only
Limit template
±V Limit
±H Limit
40 mdiv
40 mdiv
Limit template destination Ref1
Limit template source Ch1
Limit test sources Ch1 compared to Ref1; all others
compared to none.
Limit Testing Off
Limit Testing – hardcopy if condition met Off
Limit Testing – ring bell if condition met Off
Logic pattern trigger Ch4 input X (don’t care)
Logic state trigger Ch4 input Rising edge
Logic trigger class Pattern
Logic trigger input
(pattern and state)
Channel 1 = H (high),
Channels 2 & 3 = X (don’t care)
Logic trigger logic
(pattern and state)
Logic trigger pattern time qualification
Lower limit
Upper limit
5 ns
5 ns
Logic trigger Setup/Hold times
3 ns
2 ns
Logic trigger sources and levels
Data Source = Channel 1 = 1.4 V
Clock Source = Channel 2 = 1.4 V
(Source levels are clipped to 1.2 V at the
default volts/division setting established
by Factory Init)
Clock Edge = Rising
Logic trigger threshold (all channels)
(pattern, state, and Setup/Hold)
1.4 V (clipped to 1.2 V at the default
volts/division setting)