Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
NOTE. Although Zoom must be turned on to control which waveforms Zoom
affects, the setting for Horizontal Lock affects which waveforms the horizontal
control positions whether Zoom is on or off. The rules for the three settings are
listed in step 5 on page 3–39.
To change the interpolation method used, press DISPLAY ➞ Settings (main) ➞
Display (pop-up) ➞ Filter (main) ➞ Sin(x)/x Interpolation or Linear
Interpolation (side).
To reset all zoom factors to their defaults, do the following step:
TDS 684A only: Press ZOOM ➞ Reset Zoom Factors (side). Press ZOOM ➞
Off (side) to return to normal oscilloscope (not zoom) operation.
TDS 700A models only: Press ZOOM ➞ Reset (main) ➞ Reset Live Factors
or Reset All Factors (side). Reset Live Factors resets only for live waveforms,
as opposed to reference waveforms; Reset All Factors resets for all waveforms.
A TDS 700A Series oscilloscope can display and control a waveform that is both
zoomed and unzoomed (magnified and unmagnified). To do so, its creates two
1/2 height graticules, or windows, and displays the magnified waveform in the
upper, and the unmagnified waveform in the lower graticule. To use Dual
Window Zoom (also called zoom preview mode), do the following steps:
1. Press Zoom ➞ Mode (main) ➞ Preview (side). Note that the oscilloscope
displays the box-enclosed area on the waveform as magnified in the top
graticule. (See Figure 3–24.)
2. To scale or position the unmagnified waveform, press Selected Grati-
cule (main) ➞ Lower (side). Use the vertical and horizontal knobs to scale
and position the unmagnified waveform in the box.
Note that as you scale or move the unmagnified waveform relative to the
box, the oscilloscope alters the magnified display accordingly to include
only the waveform portion within the box.
3. To scale or position the magnified waveform, press Selected Grati-
cule (main) ➞ Upper (side). Use the vertical and horizontal knobs to scale
and position the magnified waveform.
Note that as you scale or move the magnified waveform, the oscilloscope
scales or moves the box relative to the unmagnified waveform, so the box
encloses only the waveform portion magnified in the upper graticule.
Set Interpolation
Reset Zoom
Using Dual Window Mode
(TDS 700A Models Only)