TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
selecting, 3–158
Windowing, process, 3–158
Windows, descriptions of, 3–147–3–148
Format, 3–31
Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–45
XY format, Glossary–11
XY, Display menu, 3–31
YT, Format, 3–31
YT format, Glossary–11
YT, Display menu, 3–31
Zero phase reference point, 3–151, 3–156
establishing for impulse testing, 3–156–3–157
Zoom, 3–37–3–48
And interpolation, 3–38
And waveforms, 3–37
derivative math waveforms, 3–165
Dual Window mode, 3–40
Dual Zoom, 3–41
Dual Zoom Offset, 3–41
Horizontal lock, 3–39
Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–45
on FFT math waveforms, 3–154
on integral math waveforms, 3–169
ZOOM button, 3–38
Zoom feature, 3–37
Zoom menu
Dual Zoom, 3–41
Dual Zoom Offset, 3–41
Horizontal Lock, 3–39
Preview, 3–40
Reset Zoom Factors, 3–40
Zoom Off, 3–40
Zoom Off, Zoom menu, 3–40