TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Fall time, 3–88
Frequency, 2–19, 3–88, Glossary–4
Gated, Glossary–4
High, 3–88, Glossary–5
Low, 3–89, Glossary–6
Maximum, 3–89, Glossary–6
Mean, 3–89, Glossary–6
Minimum, 3–89, Glossary–6
Negative duty cycle, 3–89
Negative overshoot, 3–89
Negative width, 3–89
Overshoot, Glossary–8
Peak to peak, 3–89, Glossary–7
Period, 3–89, Glossary–7
Phase, 3–89, Glossary–7
Positive duty cycle, 3–89
Positive overshoot, 3–89
Positive width, 3–89
Propagation delay, 3–88
Readout, 3–90
Reference levels, 2–21
Rise time, 2–20, 3–89, Glossary–9
RMS, 3–89, Glossary–9
Undershoot, Glossary–7
Width, 2–20, Glossary–7, Glossary–8
Measurement Accuracy, Ensuring maximum, 3–102,
Measurements, 3–87–3–110
Algorithms, B–1–B–14
Automated, 2–19, 3–87–3–110
Classes of, 3–87–3–110
Cursor, 3–87–3–110
Gated, 3–91
Graticule, 3–87–3–110
Snapshot of, 3–95
Measuring Waveforms, 3–87
Memory, Waveform, 3–115
Acquire, 3–23, 3–138
Color, 3–33
Cursor, 3–99
Delayed Trigger, 3–83–3–86
Display, 3–28, 3–33
File Utilities, 3–117
Horizontal, 3–53, 3–83
Main, 2–6
Main Trigger, 3–57, 3–58, 3–64, 3–67, 3–68, 3–72,
3–74, 3–77
Measure, 3–90, 3–95
More, 3–115, 3–142, 3–146, 3–162
See also More menu
Operation, 2–7
Pop-up, 2–8, Glossary–8
Save/Recall, 3–111
Save/Recall Waveform, 3–114
Setup, 2–10, 3–7
Status, 3–133–3–136
Utility, 3–122
Measurements, List of automated, 3–88
Mid Ref, Measure menu, 3–94
Mid2 Ref, Measure menu, 3–94
Min-Max, Measure menu, 3–92
Minimum, 3–89, Glossary–6
Mode & Holdoff, Main Trigger menu, 3–59
Model number location, 2–3
Monochrome, Color menu, 3–34
MORE button, 3–8, 3–115, 3–139, 3–142
More menu, 3–115, 3–142, 3–162
Average, 3–144
Blackman-Harris, 3–148
Change Math waveform definition, 3–146, 3–162,
dBV RMS, 3–147
diff, 3–162
Dual Wfm Math, 3–143
FFT, 3–146
Hamming, 3–148
Hanning, 3–148
intg, 3–166
Linear RMS, 3–147
Math1, Math2, Math3, 3–146, 3–162, 3–166
Math1/2/3, 3–144
No Process, 3–144
OK Create Math Waveform, 3–143, 3–166
Phase (deg), 3–147
Phase (rad), 3–147
Rectangular, 3–147
Reference waveform status, 3–116
Set 1st Source to, 3–143
Set 2nd Source to, 3–143
Set FFT Source to:, 3–146
Set FFT Vert Scale to:, 3–147
Set FFT Window to:, 3–147
Set Function to, 3–143
Set Function to:, 3–162, 3–166
Set operator to, 3–143
Set Single Source to, 3–142, 3–143
Set Single Source to:, 3–162, 3–166
Single Wfm Math, 3–142, 3–162, 3–166
NAND, Glossary–6
NAND, Main Trigger menu, 3–66, 3–68
Negative duty cycle, 3–89