C.1 Introduction
This section contains a listing of the POST BIOS calls for the Extensa 900 Series
; Make sure we entered POST in real mode
; Determine the CPU type
; Convert all segment limits to 4GB
002H post Verify Real Mode
004H cpu Get Type J
006H post Hardware Initialize
024H postSetHugeESJ
; Initialize the chipset
; Set the in-POST flag
; Autosize the RAM
; Clear the base RAM
; Test the base RAM
; Autosize the cache
; Shadow the BIOS
008H cs Initialize
011H post Reg Initialize J
00EH io Initialize OPTIONAL
00CH cache Initialize
016H post Checksum Test
018H post Timer Init
017H cache Pre Ram Auto size, OPTIONAL
028H cs Ram Auto size
03AH cache Auto size
02AH post Zero Base Ram
02CH post Real Address Test
030H post Base Ram Test
02FH cache Pre Sys Shadow OPTIONAL
038H cs System Shadow Config
020H post Refresh Test, FAR
009H post Set In Post Flag, FAR
; Initialize all the hardware to a known state
00AH cpu Initialize
00BH cpu Cache On
00FH fdiskInitializeJ
010H pmInitializeJ, OPTIONAL
; Perform hardware tests, and further initialization
014H post I8742 Init, FAR