01AH post Dma InitJ, FAR
01CH post Reset PIC
; Test the keyboard controller
; Compute the CPU clock speed
; Test the CMOS RAM
022H post I8742 Test, FAR
032H post Compute Speed, FAR
034H post Cmos Test, FAR
; Optimize chipset timing
; Optimize other hardware
03CH cs Adv Config
03DH post Adv Reg Config, OPTIONAL
; Initialize interrupt vectors
; Make sure ROM copyright notice is intact
; Check for configuration errors
; Initialize the video
; Shadow the video
; Display the copyright notice
; Display the CPU type
; Initialize EISA bus
; Set segment limits back to 4GB (PCI code may have changed them)
042H post Vector Init, FAR
046H post Copyright Check, FAR
047H pci Op Rom Init
049H pci Init
048H post Config Check, FAR
04AH pci Video Init
04CH cs Video Shadow Config
024H postSetHugeESJ
; Test and initialize the keyboard
; Check for unexpected interrupts
; Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
052H post KB Test, FAR
054H feat Setup Keyclick, OPTIONAL, FAR
076H post Keyboard Test, FAR
058H post Hot Interrupt Test, FAR
; Initialize QuietBoot if it's installed
; Note: Both the keyboard and timer interrupts (IRQ0 and IRQ1) are enabled
; here. Also, interrupts are enabled here and run through the end
; of POST. If your POST task requires interrupts to be off, please
; preserve them by doing a PUSHF, CLI at the beginning and a POPF at
; the end. If you change the PIC, please preserve existing bits.
; Display the copyright notice
; Display the CPU type
; Initialize EISA bus