5-10 Troubleshooting Procedures
Table 5-4 Run-Time Error Message Troubleshooting
5.3.5 PCMCIA Modem Problems
If an optional PCMCIA modem does not work properly, check the following items:
♦ Dialing problem or wrong number - Try dialing a number that you have
previously dialed successfully.
♦ Faulty phone line - Connect a telephone to the line and listen for a dial tone.
♦ Software program - Check to ensure that you have installed the software
5.4 General Fault Isolation Procedures
If troubleshooting a sytem containing a docked MPB, try undocking the Notebbok and
tracing the malfunction to either the notebook or the MPB.
Table 5-5 contains a summary of general problems that may occur during operation of
the notebook and the appropriate corrective actions that should be taken for each. For
other symptoms, go on to Paragraph 5.5 and troubleshoot the notebook using PC Doctor
Message Cause Action
I/O card parity interrupt at
address. Type (S)hut off NMI,
(R)eboot, other keys to
Memory on a peripheral card
has failed.
Check the memory cards
installed in the system.
Memory parity interrupt at
address. Type (S)hut off NMI,
(R)eboot, other keys to
A memory chip(s) has failed. Check the memory on the
system board.
Unexpected HW interrupt,
interrupt at address. Type
(R)eboot, other keys to
Hardware problem. Not
displayed if the expected
interrupt handler is not enabled.
Check all hardware in the
Unexpected SW interrupt,
interrupt at address. Type
(R)eboot, other keys to
Error(s) in the software
program. Not displayed if the
extended interrupt handler is
not enabled.
Turn the machine off and then
on again. If doesn’t work, check
the program.
Unexpected type 02 interrupt at
xxxxh. Type (S)hut off NMI,
(R)eboot, other keys to
A parity error occurred, but the
source can not be determine.
Turn the power off and then on