Operating Instructions 3-5 Windows 95 Special Keys
Pressing the Windows Logo Key acts as the Start button. Pressing this key in
combination with other keys performs special functions. Table 3-4 contains several
examples of using the Windows 95 special keys.
Pressing the Application Key displays the context menu for an application. This is the
same as clicking the secondary (right) mouse button.
Please refer to your Windows 95 manual for more information on these Windows 95-
specific keys and their functions. DOS Special Keys
Table 3-5 contains a list of the DOS special keys.
Table 3-4 Windows 95 Special Keys
Hot Key Function
Windows Logo Key+Tab Activates next Taskbar button
Windows Logo Key+E Explore my Computer
Windows Logo Key+F Find Document
Windows Logo Key+M Minimize All
Windows Logo Key+R Display Run dialog box
Table 3-5 DOS Special Keys
Hot Key Function
Ctrl+Pause Stops a command or application; primarily used
to stop the screen from scrolling; pressing any
other key resumes the execution of the command
or application.
Shift+Prt Sc Sends the contents of the screen to the printer
port; prints only text characters unless you have
run the Graphics.com utility to enable printing
Ctrl+Break Terminates the current command or application.
Ctrl+P Sets the computer to echo keystrokes to the
printer; prints a line when you press Enter;
continues until you press Ctrl-P again.
Ctrl+Alt+Del Terminates all programs, reloads
MS-DOS and
executes the Autoexec file; also called the “warm
start” or “warm boot”.