
’C209 Interrupts
11.3 ’C209 Interrupts
Table 11–4 lists the interrupts available on the ’C209 and shows their vector
locations. In addition, it shows the priority of each of the hardware interrupts.
Note that a device reset can be initiated in either of two ways: by driving the
pin low or by driving the RS pin high. The K value shown for each interrupt
vector location is the operand to be used with the INTR instruction if you want
to force a branch to that location.
Table 11–4. ’C209 Interrupt Locations and Priorities
Name Priority Function
0 0h RS or RS
1 (highest) Hardware reset (nonmaskable)
1 2h INT1 4 User-maskable interrupt #1
2 4h INT2 5 User-maskable interrupt #2
3 6h INT3 6 User-maskable interrupt #3
4 8h TINT 7 User-maskable interrupt #4:
timer interrupt
5 Ah 8 Reserved
6 Ch 9 Reserved
7 Eh 10 Reserved
8 10h INT8 User-defined software interrupt
9 12h INT9 User-defined software interrupt
10 14h INT10 User-defined software interrupt
11 16h INT11 User-defined software interrupt
12 18h INT12 User-defined software interrupt
13 1Ah INT13 User-defined software interrupt
14 1Ch INT14 User-defined software interrupt
The K value is the operand used in an INTR instruction that branches to the corresponding
interrupt vector location.
The ’C209 has two pins for triggering a hardware reset: RS
and RS. If either RS is driven low
or RS is driven high, the device will be reset.