
* operand 6-10
*+ operand 6-10
*– operand 6-10
*0+ operand 6-10
*0– operand 6-10
*BR0+ operand 6-11
*BR0– operand 6-11
14-pin connector, dimensions E-15
14-pin header
header signals E-2
4-level pipeline operation 5-7
A0–A15 (external address bus)
definition 4-3
shown in figure 4-6, 4-10, 4-13, 4-15, 4-26
ABS instruction 7-21
absolute value (ABS instruction) 7-21
definition F-1
description 3-9
shifting and storing high and low words, dia-
grams 3-11
accumulator instructions
absolute value of accumulator (ABS) 7-21
add PREG to accumulator (APAC) 7-37
add PREG to accumulator and load TREG
(LTA) 7-93
add PREG to accumulator and multiply
(MPYA) 7-116
add PREG to accumulator and square specified
value (SQRA) 7-168
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and
move data (LTD) 7-95
accumulator instructions
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and mul-
tiply (MAC) 7-102
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, multiply,
and move data (MACD) 7-106
add value plus carry to accumulator
(ADDC) 7-27
add value to accumulator (ADD) 7-23
add value to accumulator with shift specified by
TREG (ADDT) 7-31
add value to accumulator with sign extension
suppressed (ADDS) 7-29
AND accumulator with value (AND) 7-34
branch to location specified by accumulator
(BACC) 7-40
call subroutine at location specified by accumula-
tor (CALA) 7-58
complement accumulator (CMPL) 7-64
divide using accumulator (SUBC) 7-180
load accumulator (LACC) 7-72
load accumulator using shift specified by TREG
(LACT) 7-78
load accumulator with PREG (PAC) 7-134
load accumulator with PREG and load TREG
(LTP) 7-98
load high bits of accumulator with rounding
(ZALR) 7-196
load low bits and clear high bits of accumulator
(LACL) 7-75
negate accumulator (NEG) 7-122
normalize accumulator (NORM) 7-126
OR accumulator with value (OR) 7-129
pop top of stack to low accumulator bits
(POP) 7-135
push low accumulator bits onto stack
(PUSH) 7-141
rotate accumulator left by one bit (ROL) 7-144
rotate accumulator right by one bit (ROR) 7-145
shift accumulator left by one bit (SFL) 7-157
shift accumulator right by one bit (SFR) 7-158