6 © Titan Tool. All rights reserved.
Material Thinning
IMPORTANT: Thin the spray material properly for use in
the pump and spray gun. Refer to the spray gun manual for
thinning recommendations.
Preparing a New Pump
If this pump is new, it is shipped with test uid in the uid section
to prevent corrosion during shipment and storage. This uid
must be cleaned out of the system thoroughly with mineral spirits
before spraying any material.
NOTE: The turbine should be turned OFF (0) during
these steps.
1. Place the siphon tube into a container of mineral spirits.
2. Place the return tube into a metal waste container.
3. Set the pressure to PRIME by turning the pressure setting
knob fully counterclockwise.
4. Set the speed setting knob to LOW.
5. Turn the Transfer Pump ON/OFF switch to ON (the switch
should light up green).
6. Allow the pump to run for 15-30 seconds to ush the test
uid out through the bypass/return hose and into the
waste container.
7. Turn the Transfer Pump ON/OFF switch to OFF (0).
Preparing to Paint
Before spraying, it is important to make sure that the uid in the
system is compatible with the material that is going to be sprayed.
NOTE: Incompatible uids and paint may cause the
valves to become stuck closed, which would
require disassembly and cleaning of the pump’s
uid section.
1. Place the siphon tube into a container of the appropriate
solvent. Examples of the appropriate solvent are water
for latex-based materials or mineral spirits for oil-based
2. Place the return tube into a metal waste container.
3. Set the pressure to PRIME by turning the pressure setting
knob fully counterclockwise.
4. Set the speed selector knob to FLUSH.
5. Turn on the pump by pressing the ON/OFF switch to the
ON position.
6. Allow the pump to run for 15–30 seconds to ush the old
solvent out through the return tube and into the metal
waste container.
7. Turn the Transfer Pump ON/OFF switch to OFF (0).
8. Turn up the pressure adjust knob to setting 2-3.
9. Turn the Transfer Pump ON/OFF switch to ON.
10. Trigger the spray gun into a metal waste container until
the old solvent is gone and fresh solvent is coming out of
the gun.
NOTE: The turbine should be turned OFF (0) during
these steps below until directed to do so.
1. Place the siphon tube into a container of the material you
plan to spray.
2. Place the return tube into a metal waste container.
3. Set the pressure to PRIME by turning the pressure setting
knob fully counterclockwise.
4. Set the speed selector knob to LOW.
5. Turn on the pump by pressing the ON/OFF switch to the
ON position.
6. Allow the pump to run until material is coming through the
return tube into the metal waste container.
7. Turn off the pump by pressing the ON/OFF switch to the
OFF position.
8. Remove the return tube from the waste container and
place it in the container of spray material.
9. Turn up the pressure adjust knob to 3-4.
10. Turn the Transfer Pump ON/OFF switch to ON.
11. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until all air
and solvent is ushed from the spray hose and paint is
owing freely from the gun.
12. Set the speed setting knob to:
a. LOW for #2 and #3 prosets
b. LOW-MED for #4 and #5 prosets
c. MED - HIGH for #6 and #7 prosets
13. Adjust the pressure by turning the pressure control knob
slowly and watch for a gently arcing stream to exit the gun
nozzle when triggered.
NOTE: Generally, for thin materials such as
polyurethanes, lacquers, and stains, set pressure
between numbers 1 to 2. For thicker materials
such as latex paint, set pressure to 2 or higher.
NOTE: For some very thin spray materials, a pulsating
spray pattern may be encountered when using
lower pressures (see picture below). To correct
this, increase pump pressure to 4 or 5, then
decrease the needle travel on the spray gun to
achieve the desired ow rate. This will increase
back pressure in the material hose and smooth
out the spray pattern.
14. Turn on turbine by moving the turbine ON/OFF switch to
the ON position.
15. Practice spraying on a piece of scrap wood or cardboard
until you are satised with the pressure, spray pattern, and
spray shape. The spray pattern adjustments and spray
shape selections are described in your gun manual.