© Titan Tool. All rights reserved. 7
NOTE: Thorough cleaning and maintenance of your
Transfer Pump is the best way to ensure
prolonged useful life of the unit. Follow all
Cleanup steps, including Cleaning the Inlet and
Outlet Valves.
Special cleanup instructions for use with
flammable solvents:
• Always ush spray gun preferably outside and at least one
hose length from spray pump.
• If collecting ushed solvents in a one gallon metal
container, place it into an empty ve gallon container, then
ush solvents.
• Area must be free of ammable vapors.
• Follow all cleanup instructions.
IMPORTANT: The pump, hose, and gun should be cleaned
thoroughly after daily use. Failure to do so permits material
to build up, seriously affecting the performance of the unit.
1. Turn off the turbine and pump.
2. Place the siphon tube into a container of the appropriate
solvent. Examples of the appropriate solvent are water for
latex materials or mineral spirits for oil-based materials.
3. Place the return tube into a metal waste container.
4. Set the pressure to PRIME by turning the pressure setting
knob fully counterclockwise.
5. Set the speed setting knob to FLUSH.
6. Turn on the Transfer Pump by pressing the ON/OFF
switch to the ON position.
7. Allow the solvent to circulate through the pump and ush
the paint out of the return hose into the metal waste
container until uid is clear.
8. Turn off the Transfer Pump by pressing the ON/OFF
switch to the OFF position.
9. Turn up the pressure adjust knob to setting 2-3.
10. Turn on the Transfer Pump by pressing the ON/OFF
switch to the ON position.
11. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until the
paint is ushed out of the hose and solvent is coming out
of the gun.
12. Continue to trigger the spray gun into the waste container
until the solvent coming out of the gun is clean.
13. Turn off the Transfer Pump by pressing the ON/OFF
switch to the OFF position.
14. Set the pressure to PRIME by turning the pressure setting
knob fully counterclockwise.
NOTE: For long-term or cold weather storage, pump
mineral sprits through the entire system.
15. Disconnect siphon and return tubes by pressing inward on
the collar while pulling outward on the tube.
16. Disconnect the material hose from the front of the Transfer
Pump with a wrench. It may be necessary to hold the
outlet tting on the pump with another wrench while
turning the swivel nut attached to the hose.
IMPORTANT: After each use, inspect the drip tray and heel
cover for leakage. If drips are present, service seal as soon
as possible (see Replacing the Seal and PIston, page 8).
17. Remove the Transfer Pump from the turbine and tip to the
side and front to drain any excess solvent from the pump.
IMPORTANT: Flip up the connector cover to allow pump to
be lifted out of cupholder in turbine.
Cleaning the Inlet / Outlet Valves
NOTE: Cleaning the inlet and outlet valves should be
performed after every use to ensure continued
useful operation of the unit.
Outlet valve
Outlet valve
1. Remove the inlet valve:
a. Using an adjustable wrench, remove the inlet tting
(apply the wrench to the larger hex diameter).
b. Remove inlet valve assembly.
NOTE: To free the inlet valve assembly, gently rock the
inlet valve assembly back and forth to free it from
the pump housing.
2. Clean the inlet valve:
a. Clean the poppet and O-ring area of the inlet valve and
the inside of the inlet tting using a soft bristled brush
and the appropriate cleaning solution. The inlet valve
should be free from all spraying residue.
NOTE: Push up on the
poppet on the inlet
valve to expose the
O-ring in order to
clean it.
3. Remove the outlet valve:
a. Using an adjustable wrench, remove the outlet tting.
b. Remove the outlet valve cage assembly.
4. Clean the outlet valve:
a. Clean the outlet valve cage using a soft-bristled brush
and the appropriate cleaning solution.
b. Using a pen, gently push
through the center opening to
activate the poppet and make
sure it moves freely (it should
move approximately 1/32”).
This movement can be seen
through the side window of the
5. Replace outlet valve cage assembly.
NOTE: When replacing the outlet
valve cage, make sure
to line up the slot in the
cage with the guide in
the outlet valve housing.
The guide is located at
the 6:00 o’clock position
inside the housing.
6. Replace the outlet valve tting - torque to 180-200 in-lbs.