Level Time Comments
Meat Casseroles
with pre-cooked
Meat and
P 10 19 to 30 minutes Stir halfway through cooking
Meat Stews with
raw Meat and
P 5 70 to 80 minutes Rearrange or stir halfway
through cooking time.
Meat Patties
(4 per lb, or
4 oz each)
P 10 5 to 7 minutes Place on paper towel-lined plate.
Rearrange halfway through
cooking time.
Spareribs (2 to 3 lb) P 5 80 to 90 minutes Place in microwave-save casse-
role, cover with liquid. Rearrange
halfway though cooking time. 10
minutes before end of cooking
time drain and add barbeque
sauce. Complete cooking.
Chops with Sauce P 8 30 to 40 minutes Turn over halfway through
cooking time.
Pot Roast, 3 to 4 lb P 4 18 to 23 minutes
per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking
bag. Turn over halfway through
cooking time.
Pot Roast, tender P 5 13 to 15 minutes
per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking
bag. Turn over halfway through
cooking time.
Roast, tender beef
such as rib-eye or
rolled rib
P 7 Rare: 11 to 14
minutes per lb
Medium: 14
to 17 minutes
per lb
Well done: 17
to 20 minutes
per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking
bag. Turn over halfway through
cooking time.
Ham Roast,
P 6 14 to 17 minutes
per lb
Use microwave-safe cooking
bag. Turn over halfway through
cooking time.
Pasta and Cereals
Long pieces
Linguini, etc.
P 10 12 to 15 minutes In 2 quart oblong glass dish, add
6 cups hot water, 1 tablespoon
cooking oil and 1 teaspoon salt.
Rearrange halfway through
cooking time.
Noodle or Rice
Casseroles (2 quarts)
P 10 8 to 15 minutes Stir halfway through cooking