8 Reel Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
This section will describe the construction, and cutting action of a reel mower cutting unit.
If reel mowers' unique characteristics are not understood and responded to, the end result will be a poor
quality of cut, and expensive down time and repairs.
front roller
rear roller
There are three main structural members in a reel cutting unit:
The REEL, consists of several helix shaped blades, mounted to a rotating shaft.
The BEDKNIFE, is attached to the bedbar and the assembly is mounted to the main frame in a manner that
allows for paralleling and adjustment to the reel.
The FRAME, supports the rollers, the bedbar assembly and reel with its drive mechanism, which can be
hydraulic, belt driven, or ground driven.
A reel mower cuts grass with a scissors-like shearing action, as the moving helix shaped blades pass over
the stationary bedknife. The cutting action requires that the bedknife and reel blades, be sharp, matched, and
in close relationship with each other.