10 Reel Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
This drawing depicts the common terms used when referring to a reel mower.
We have already discussed the reel, and the bedknife.
The attitude, refers to the angle of the bedknife. This reference is in degree differential from the surface of
the turf, (or the line intersecting the bottom of the rollers).
The shear point, is the point that a reel blade contacts any given point on the bedknife at a specific point in
The reel centerline, is the imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the turf dissecting the reel at its center.
This line is used to find the Behind Center Distance (BCD), this is the distance the shear point lies behind the
There are two rollers. The rear roller trails the cutting unit, and is usually a solid roller. The front roller leads
the cutting unit, and due to the forces working on it may be any one of many types. The different types of
rollers will be discussed later in the program.
The Height of Cut (HOC) defines the distance between the roller plane and the shear point. Some cutting
units have a fixed front roller, and the rear roller is used to set the height of cut. Others, such as the newer
DPA design cutting units, have a fixed rear roller, and the front roller is used to set the height of cut.