22 Reel Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
Bedknife to Reel
Before performing any set–up procedures, it is
critical that the reel and knife cutting edges are
straight, and sharp. Backlap, or grind as necessary.
Adjust as needed, to ensure the knife, and reel,
contact their full length, with LIGHT contact, and free
reel rotation.
Note that different cutting unit models have different
methods of adjusting reel to bedknife contact. The
top illustration shows a four bolt style, adjustment
mechanism. The bottom illustration shows a single
point, adjustment, mechanism. Single point adjust,
cutting units also have an adjustment mechanism on
one end of the bedknife, for adjusting the bedknife
parallel to the reel.
Dual Precision Adjustment (DPA)
This illustration shows the dual precision adjustment
(DPA) mechanism used on the newer Toro cutting
unit designs. On this Greensmaster DPA cutting unit,
each click of the adjustment screw results in .0007
inch movement of the bedknife; a VERY precise
adjustment. On the Reelmaster DPA cutting unit,
each click results in .0009 inch of movement.
Adjust the bedknife against the reel to EVENLY pinch
one paper thickness across the entire width of the
bedknife. Then cut paper strips to check blade