
54 Reel Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
Grooming is similar to verti-cutting in its runner
cutting action. Grooming blades however, should
never penetrate the soil like verti-cutting or
dethatching. Groomer blades are spaced closer
together and are used more often than verti-cutters
so that they are more effective in cutting runners
and standing up the grass.
It is difficult to give precise recommendations on
the use of groomers because so many variables
affect the performance of grooming:
Time of year and
weather pattern
General condition
of the green
Frequency of
Number of cuttings per
week and number of
passes per cutting
Height of cut
Height of grooming
How long grooming has
been in use on a green
Type of grass
on the green
Overall greens
management program
Irrigation, fertilizing,
spraying, coring, over-
Stress periods
humidity, traffic
IMPORTANT: Improper use or over-aggressive use
of the grooming reel (such as too deep or too
frequent grooming) may cause unnecessary stress
on the turf, leading to severe damage to the green.
Use the groomer cautiously.
It is important to determine the performance of the
groomer before putting it into regular use on greens.
We strongly suggest that a formal test procedure be
used to determine the proper depth setting for your
It is difficult to give precise recommendations on the
use of groomers because so many variables affect
the performance of grooming.
Thatching Reel
Here is an example of a thatching unit, on a triplex
riding greens mower.
Thatch is the accumulation of organic material at the
soil surface and comes primarily from stolen,
rhizome and root tissue in warm season grasses.
Thatching (vertical mowing) is a mechanical method
of removing excess thatch. Please note that
dethatching is very disruptive to turf. This
mechanical removal does not address the cause of
excess thatch.