Electrical System Quick Checks
Battery Test (Open Circuit Test)
Note: This test provides a relative condition of the bat-
tery. Load testing of the battery will provide additional
and more accurate information.
1. The battery temperature should be from 60_ to 100_
F. The ignition key should be off and all accessories
turned off.
2. Set multimeter to the DC volts setting.
4. Record voltage.
3. Connect positive (+) meter lead to the positive bat-
tery post and negative (–) meter lead to the the negative
battery post.
Voltage Measured
Battery Charge Level
12.68 V (or higher) Fully charged (100%)
12.45 V 75% charged
12.24 V 50% charged
12.06 V 25% charged
11.89 V 0% charged
Glow Plug System Test (GM 3000–D)
This fast, simple test can help you determine a glow plug
system’s integrity and operation. Run this test anytime
hard starting (cold) is encountered on the diesel engine.
Tool(s) required: Digital multimeter and/or AC/DC
current transducer (Hall Effect).
1. Properly connect current transducer to the digital
multimeter. Set multimeter on the proper volts scale (re-
fer to manufacturer’s instructions).
2. Make sure engine is off. Place current transducer
around the orange wire connected to glow plugs (Fig. 3).
3. Read meter prior to activating glow plug system. Ad-
just the transducer to read zero (if applicable).
4. Turn ignition switch to RUN and record current. Re-
peat test.
Figure 3
Note: The glow control unit will cause the glow plugs
to time off after a determined amount of time. This condi-
tion should not be misinterpreted as a malfunctioning
5. The meter should read from 31 to 61 Amps.
Electrical System
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Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D