General Air Cleaner Maintenance
1. Inspect air cleaner after every 50 hours of operation.
More frequent in dusty or dirty conditions.
2. Check air cleaner body for damage which could
possibly cause an air leak. Replace a damaged air
cleaner body.
3. Service the air cleaner filter every 400 hours (more
frequently in extreme dusty or dirty conditions). Do not
over service air filter.
4. Be sure cover is sealing around air cleaner body.
cleaner assembly in place and latched proper-
ly or a damaged air cleaner Debris entering en-
gine can cause engine failure.
Never operate machine without complete air
Servicing the Air Cleaner
1. Release latches securing air cleaner cover to air
cleaner body. Separate cover from body. Clean inside of
air cleaner cover.
2. Gently slide filter (Fig. 26) out of air cleaner body to
reduce the amount of dust dislodged. Avoid knocking fil-
ter against air cleaner body.
3. Inspect filter and discard if damaged. Do not wash
or reuse a damaged filter.
Washing Method
A. Prepare a solution of filter cleaner and water
and soak filter element about 15 minutes. Refer to
directions on filter cleaner carton for complete in-
B. After soaking filter for 15 minutes, rinse it with
clear water. Maximum water pressure must not ex-
Figure 25
1. Air cleaner latches
ceed 40 psi to prevent damage to the filter element.
2. Dust cup
Rinse filter from clean side to dirty to side.
C. Dry filter element using warm, flowing air
(160_F ) max), or allow element to air–dry. Do not
use a light bulb to dry the filter element because
damage could result.
Compressed Air Method
A. Blow compressed air from inside to the outside
of dry filter element. Do not exceed 100 psi
to prevent damage to the element.
B. Keep air hose nozzle at least 2” from filter and
move nozzle up and down while rotating the filter
element. Inspect for holes and tears by looking
through the filter toward a bright light.
Figure 26
5. Inspect new filter for shipping damage. Check seal-
1. Air cleaner filter
ing end of filter. Do not install a damaged filter.
6. Insert new filter properly into air cleaner body. Make
sure filter is sealed properly by applying pressure to out-
er rim of filter when installing. Do not press on flexible
center of filter.
7. Reinstall cover and secure latches. Make sure cov-
er is positioned with TOP side up.
Peugeot Diesel
Groundsmaster 3000–D
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Peugeot TUD5 Engine