Gage Wheel Adjustment (Rear Discharge Cutting Unit)
Note: If cutting unit is to be used in the 1 inch (25 mm)
height–of–cut setting, cutting unit gage wheels must be
positioned in highest position.
1. Adjust gage wheels by loosening locking hub, posi-
tioning gage wheel support at desired height and re–
tightening locking hub. Make sure gage wheel support
pins are positioned in holes in deck.
Figure 10
1. Gage wheel
2. Gage wheel support
3. Locking hub
Anti–scalp Roller Adjustment (Guardian Recycler Cutting Unit)
Note: If cutting unit is to be used in the 1 or 1–1/2 inch
(25 or 38 mm) height–of–cut setting, cutting unit rollers
must be repositioned in the top bracket holes.
To adjust front and rear rollers:
1. Remove cotter pins securing roller shafts to under-
side of deck.
2. Slide shafts out of lower bracket holes, align rollers
with top holes and install shafts.
3. Install cotter pins to secure assemblies.
72 inch Cutting Units
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Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D