Fuel Stop Solenoid (GM 3000–D)
The fuel stop solenoid is located on the front end of the
injection pump, which is on the right side of the engine.
Its has a black wire connected to it that leads to a con-
nector with a white and orange wire. The solenoid is
powered from the white wire (Fig. 25).
In Place Testing
Note: Prior to taking small resistance readings with a
digital multimeter, short the test leads together. The me-
ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5
ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re-
sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value
from from the measured value of the component you are
Figure 25
1. Disconnect black wire from the solenoid.
2. Using a digital multimeter, ground one lead to the
base of the solenoid and connect the other to the sole-
noid terminal.
3. The resistance should be approximately 8.0 ohms.
Live testing
1. Remove black wire from the solenoid.
Note: The solenoid may be removed from the engine
or tested in place.
Figure 26
2. Connect a positive (+) test lead from a 12 VDC
4. Disconnect the test leads from the solenoid.
source to the solenoid terminal.
5. Connector black wire to the solenoid if tested in
3. Touch a negative (–) test lead from the 12 VDC
source to the solenoid body. The plunger should retract
making an audible ”click”.
Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D
Page 6 – 17 Rev. A
Electrical System